Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014

Tulisan Softskill Tentang Ekonomi Bahasa Indonesia

Antusias Menghadapi Ketatnya Persaingan
Mengatasi persaingan yang kian ketat, PT Bank Mayapada Tbk fokus membidik segmen pasar dengan mampu eksis melewati sejumlah krisis yang berpontensi mengganggu kinerja bank. PT Bank Mayapada Tbk tetap tenang menhadapi Pasar Tunggal Asean karena mempunyai segmen market khusus. Tak semua terbidik, misalnya consumer dan UKM mau diambil juga. PT Bank Mayapada Tbk hanya fokus ke ritel, perdagangan dan komersial. Sejak awak, orientasi bisnis bank ini kinsisten di pasar sesuai kompetensi sumber daya manusianya. Kelebihan yang PT Bank Mayapada Tbk ada pada kecepatan proses layanan karena nasabah senang diperhatikan. Pelayanan menjadi kelebihan, dan semua nasabah adalah prioritas. 

Bersaing Dengan Agen Dunia
Indonesia negara besar dngan jumlah penduduk sekitar 240 juta orang, dan angka usia muda yang tinggi9 dan tingkat konsumsi yang semakin tinggi. Tak heran bila pemilik modal asing dan tenaga pemasar berbagaiproduk keuangan ramai-ramai masuk ke negheri kepulauan. Indonseia adalah pasar yang mengggiurkan, termasuk untuk produk-produk asuransi. Sudah menjadi pemandangan yang lazim melihat agen asuransi asing memprospek nasabah di Jakarta dan kota besar lain. Yang jadi masalah agen asing kerap lebih meyakinkan calon nasabah. Jadi saaat ini bukan bersaing antara sesama agen di Indonesia, tetapi bersaing dengan agen-agen dari luar negeri yang saaat ini sudah banyak datang karena pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia yang di pandang saat ini sangat baik oleh dunia.

Pungutan OJK Buat Pasar Modal
Pungutan yang dilakukan OJK terhadap industri pasar modal bisa menjadi faktor disinsentif bagi emikten atau perusahaan yang mencatatkan sahamnya di BEI. Pungutan OJK tersebut menjadi tidak konduktif ditengah upaya meningkatkan jumlah perusahaan yang mencari sumber pendanaan. Pungutan ini akan membuat emiten-emiten besar di BEI akan lari dan mencatatkan sahamnya di luar negeri. Sedangkan perusahaan yang akan go public bisa membatalkan rencananya itu. Iuran yang dipugut OJK kepada emiten juga akan membuat psar modal Indeonsia tidak kondusif.

Kelapa Sawit Topang Ekonomi
Perkebunan kelapa sawit telah menopang perekonomian di provinso termuda di Indonesia. Keberadaan pelabuhan tersebut berdampak positif bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi di Kabupaten Mamuju Utara. Pelabuhan tersebut digunakan perusahaan sawit Grup Astra di Sulbar untuk mengirim minyak sawit mentah ke sejumlah daerah. Peran dan dampak tersebut dapat dilihat dari tingginya angka pertumbuhan sekonomi di Kabupaten Matra. Diantara banyak perusahaan yang banyak berperan serta bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi wilayah tersebut adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di sektor perkebunan kelapa sawit. Perkebunan kelapa sawit telah memberikan kontribusi positif sehingga berdampakpada terbukanya akses lapangan pekerjaan kerja alternatif bagi masyarakat.

Dengan hadirnya aturan baru, jelas merupaka angin segar bagi perkembangan e-money di Indonesia. Penerbit uang elektronik dlarang untuk melakukan kerja sama ekslusif serta dilarang untuk menahan nilai minimum transaksi menggunakan uang elektronik. Perubahan menarim lainnya dalam aturan ini adalah BI juga mendorong terjadinya interkoneksi top-up dan interoperability di antara sesama penerbit e-money. Semua pihak harus berkolaborasi jika ingin industri ini tumbuh pesat. Ada banyak alasan kenapa adopsi e-money di Indonesia tak secepat di negara lain. Penyebab utamanya ialah antara industri telekomunikasi dan perbankan seperti jalan sendiri-sendiri.

Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

Softskill Task

3rd TASK
Things you should/shouldn't and can/can't do in the following places

  1. We should read books in the library so that we will get more knowledge.
  2. We shouldn't be late to bring a book we borrow back to the library.
  3. We can take and read many book as we need in the library.
  4. We can't take a book from the library without having permission from the librarian first.
  1. We should take pictures as many as we want in the museum.
  2. We shouldn't touch the exhibits in the museum if we don't have permission to do it.
  3. We can be careful in the museum so that we don't break any exhibit.
  4. We can't take exhibits home from the museum.
  1. We should be nice to people in the park. 
  2. We sholdn't put the rubbish into the wrong place in the park.
  3. We can use every free bench in the park. 
  4. We can't cut off trees in the park. 
  1. We should leave a tip for the waiter in the restaurant.
  2. We shouldn't be smoking in the restaurant even if there's no "No smoking" sign.
  3. We can reserve a table in the restaurant in advance.
  4. We can't take utensils with us from the restaurant.
  1. We should pay for every product or service that we take in the mall. 
  2. We shouldn't go to the mall being drunk.
  3. We can go to the mall with our family or friends and have fun there. 
  4. We can't get products from the mall without paying first. 

Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014

English Grammer Assignments

In the following sentences supply the article (a, an or the) if the are necessary.
1.      Jason’s father bought him bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.
2.      The statue of liberty was a gift of friendship from france to United States.
3.      Rita is studying English and math this semester.
4.      Please give me a cup of coffe with cream and sugar.
5.      The big books on the  table are for my history class.
6.      when you go to the store, please buy a bottle of chocolate milk and a dozen oranges.
7.     John and Mery went to school yesterday and then studies in the library before returning home.
8.      What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
9.      The chair that you are sitting is broken.
10.  On our trip to Spain, we crossed The Atlantic Ocean.

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of other.
1.     This pen isn’t working. Please give me another.
2.     If you are still thirsty, I’ll make another pot of coffee.
3.     This dictionary has a page missing. Please give me another.
4.      He doesn’t need those books. He needs others.
5.  There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and the others are from others countries.
6. Six people are in the store. Two were buying meat. Another was looking at magazines. The other was eating candy bar. The others were walking around looking for more food.
7.     This glass of milk is sour. The other glass of milk is sour too.
8. The army was practicing it drills. One group was doing artillery practice. Another  was marching;  another was at attention; and the other was practicing combat tactics.
9. There are seven students from Japan. Others are from Iran, and the others are from others places.
10.  We looked at cars today. The first two we far too expensive, but  the other ones were reasonably priced.

Sabtu, 29 Maret 2014

My Personal Decription

Well actually It’s kind of hard for me to tell my personal description, but as I have an assignment to do this so here it goes. Alright, I’m just a simple girl who is shy, moody, ordinary, and simply quiet sometimes but nice. I like listening to the music cos its like my mood booster when I’m totally bored and just don’t feel like doing anything. I’m a senior of Gunadarma University student, and I’m majoring Economic Management which means I will be graduating this year. As a girl, I’m not so addicted to shopping. I’m a girl but I’m into football, especially English Premier League. For sure, I have my fave football team, guess what? Yep, Liverpool. I started being into them since 9 years ago, means when I was still about 14 years old. I live with my lovely family, and I have a very cute nephew who I can’t stop playing with, he is just so cute. My life has totally changed since I met the love of my life named Vadim, I just love him so much, I consider myself as a lucky girl in the universe to have him <3
The other side of me? Uhmm, I just feel so annoyed when someone suddenly asks me to do something when I just don’t feel like doing anything. I don’t like getting yell at, I can immediately be really in a bad mood. I like jokes, but not harsh jokes, so mean. For me, being who I really am is essential.