Corruption cannot be fully erradicated, because it often is human nature to mostly choose ones one well being above the general well being. It also is human nature to look away, when one sees somebody's mistakes or corrupt acts.
However, corruption can be combated in the following ways:
1. Stopping clientelism, and job for friends or supporters-only. To work as a public servant in a ministry or other government agency has to be a career choice , and should not be interrumpted nor interfeered by the political cyclus. Implementing meritocracy in the public service is a way to motivate professional public servants to do a good job in order to advance in their careers!
2. Restructuring the public service is necessary so that there are more checks and balances. Everybody's work should be controlled by another agency or department that is not conflicting with its interests.
3. Transparency: where does each penny go to? What is done with public funding? How are decisions made? All this information should be collected and reported and should be available for outsiders and controlling agencies.
4. Allowing for "tell on them without fear of losing your own job"-policies. If somebody is afraid that their job might be at risk after talking about corrupt activities of their superiors, or colleagues, they are not going to tell on them.
5. Enforcing the judicial system so that officials, no matter what their range is, nor their status, get the punishment that they deserve, if cought doing something wrong.
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